Look for a new name in westerns

I’ve been writing since my teens, and I’ve always used my real name (without the middle initial usually) on what I write. When I was in government, it was a way of showing that I wasn’t breaking any rules, or disclosing information I wasn’t suppose to. It was also, I suppose, a form of rebellion.

Well, life catches up with us all. I’ve been doing westerns lately, more even than my mainstay, mysteries–lots and lots more–and when I did a kind of experimental western, The Cowboy vs the Sea Monster, the publisher suggested that I sue a pen name. Seems my list of westerns is getting quite long, and I suppose he worries that it might confuse western fans–I do a series on the Adventures of Bass Reeves, Deputy U.S. Marshal, as well as short stories for anthologies, all your typical western.

I believe in being a cooperative writer, as long as I don’t have to sacrifice my integrity or warp my artistic vision, so I went along. The name I chose, Ben Carter, happens to be the main character in my Buffalo Soldier series, which I thought quite appropriate, and the publisher agrees.

So, if you’re a western fan, and you’ve read any of my other stuff, look for Ben Carter’s books, and you’ll be treated to even more good stuff.

cowboy and sea monster


Available for 99 cents at https://www.amazon.com/William-Coburn-Monster-Western-Adventure-ebook/dp/B07H4Y8631/

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