From my home studio

When I want to take a break from writing and don’t feel like going outside for whatever reason, what I do is grab my paint brushes and retire to my garage studio. Sandwiched between my wive’s Mercedes and my Nissan, and wedged under the storage shelves, I crank out watercolors, acrylics, oils, cartoons, and sketches to relax. Some of my work can be seen, and purchased at

Below is just a small sample of some of my recent works.

Acrylic of a great blue heron.

When events of the day get to me, I do political cartoons.

An acrylic landscape that’s partly from a photo, partly from my imagination.

Oil painting of scene near my house, done from memory.

Totally from my imagination. An acrylic in which I play with light.

Okay, that’s it. Just a small sample. Hope you enjoy them.

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