Big Changes in the Western Publishing World!

My friend and publisher J.C. Hulsey ()the Old Cowboy), of Outlaws Publishing, is retiring. My books that were issued by Outlaws were moved to another, back to Outlaws, and are now officially out of print/circulation. All is not lost, though. All those titles will move over to DS Publications, which has my Caleb Johnson, Lincoln Croft, Jacob Blade, and other series. So, fans of Tom Steele and some of the others please be patient

For Bass Reeves fan, more good news. I ran it past Nick Wales, the smartest publicist in the business, and my online chess partner, about combining the 13 or 14 Bass Reeves stories I’ve written into several multi-story volumes. Working on that now and hope to have the first one available no later than the end of April.

Wishing the Old Cowboy the best in retirement. He’s one of a kind and the western genre owes him a great debt.

Ray’s Ruminations

Several weeks ago, my good Facebook friend, Gigi Estrella, aka Gigi Star, a radio personality who can be heard on 84.3iFM from Bacalod, Philippines, urged me to write a column for a local newspaper. Gigi can be heard at on Sunday mornings US time playing all the romantic oldies.

Promotion of my column in the print edition.
More promotion

But, I digress. I agreed to write the column, thinking it would be no big deal. First one appeared on line, looked good, so I decided to do four a month, and sent them along to the editor. What I didn’t know until today is that my column had been promoted in advance, and was also appearing in the print version of the paper in a very prominent position. Good things come in bunches. Last month I had seven of my titles in Amazon’s Top 100 best selling westerns and now I can call myself a newspaper columnist with an international audience. On top of everything else, they also promoted three of my westerns in the second column.

Now, ain’t that something to crow about?

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