How much protein do you need each day?

Writers usually live a pretty sedentary life, which can be unhealthy if one doesn’t exercise regularly and eat right. One of the things that is, believe it or not, essential to good health is protein.  Along with regular exercise, it’s a good idea to have a diet that has the required amount of protein. For advice on protein intake, check here. The U.S. Department of Agriculture has an online calculator that allows you to determine the amount of protein you need based on a number of demographic factors. As you can see below, the calculations are quite detailed and are based on a number of demographic factors.

Give it a try.

My calculation for example is:

Your entered values:
Sex Male
Age 79 years
Height 5 ft. 11 in.
Weight 197 lbs.
Activity level Low Active

Begin New Calculation

Your calculated results:
Body Mass Index (BMI) More Information About Bmi 27.5
Estimated Daily Caloric Needs 2,558 kcal/day
Daily Recommended Macronutrient Intake:
Macronutrient Recommended Intake Per Day
Carbohydrate 288 – 416 grams More Information About Carbohydrate
Total Fiber 36 grams More Information About Fiber
Protein 71 grams More Information About Protein
Fat 57 – 99 grams More Information About Fat
Saturated fatty acids As low as possible while consuming a nutritionally adequate diet.
Trans fatty acids As low as possible while consuming a nutritionally adequate diet.
α-Linolenic Acid 1.6 grams More Information About Alpha_linolenic_acid
Linoleic Acid 14 grams More Information About Linoleic_acid
Dietary Cholesterol As low as possible while consuming a nutritionally adequate diet.
Total Water 3.7 liters (about 16 cups) More Information About Water
Daily Recommended Vitamin Intake:
Vitamin Recommended Intake Per Day Tolerable UL Intake Per Day
Vitamin A 900 mcg 3,000 mcg More Information About Vitamin_a
Vitamin C 90 mg 2,000 mg
Vitamin D 20 mcg 100 mcg
Vitamin B6 1.7 mg 100 mg
Vitamin E 15 mg 1,000 mg More Information About Vitamin_e
Vitamin K 120 mcg Not Determinable
Thiamin 1.2 mg Not Determinable
Vitamin B12 2.4 mcg Not Determinable
Riboflavin 1.3 mg Not Determinable
Folate 400 mcg 1,000 mcg More Information About Folate
Niacin 16 mg 35 mg More Information About Niacin
Choline 0.55 g 3.5 g
Pantothenic Acid 5 mg Not Determinable
Biotin 30 mcg Not Determinable
Carotenoids Not Available  Not DeterminableMore Information About Carotenoids
Daily Recommended Essential Mineral Intake:
Mineral Recommended Intake Per Day Tolerable UL Intake Per Day
Calcium 1,200 mg 2,000 mg
Chloride 1.8 g 3.6 g
Chromium 30 mcg Not Determinable
Copper 900 mcg 10,000 mcg
Fluoride 4 mg 10 mg
Iodine 150 mcg 1,100 mcg
Iron 8 mg 45 mg
Magnesium 420 mg 350 mg More Information About Magnesium
Manganese 2.3 mg 11 mg
Molybdenum 45 mcg 2,000 mcg
Phosphorus 0.7 g 3 g
Potassium 3,400 mg Not Determinable
Selenium 55 mcg 400 mcg
Sodium 1,500 mg 2,300 mg
Zinc 11 mg 40 mg
Daily Recommended Non-Essential Mineral Intake:
Mineral Recommended Intake Per Day Tolerable UL Intake Per Day
Arsenic Not Available  Not DeterminableMore Information About Arsenic
Boron 0 mg 20 mg
Nickel 0 mg 1 mg
Silicon Not Available  Not DeterminableMore Information About Silicon
Sulfate Not Available Not Determinable
Vanadium 0 mg 1.8 mg More Information About Vanadium

Exploring Ethical Journalism Practices: An Interview with Ambassador Charles Ray

Mfundo Msimango, HBCU-ACC Secretary | 10 April 2023

Ambassador Charles Ray was a guest speaker to
the HBCU-Africa Correspondents Corps. Prior
to his retirement from the foreign service, he
served as the U.S. ambassador to Cambodia and

What are the best ways for student journalists to approach
senior government officials with interview requests?

The best way to approach senior government officials is to find the email address of the agency protocol office and query them with your name, affiliation, and the reason you wish to interview the official. For retired officials, it’s a bit more difficult unless you know what organizations they might be affiliated with. In my case, for example, I am chair of the Africa
Program of the Foreign Policy Research Institute, and can be contacted by completing the Press Contact form [on its website]. It’s helpful if you are as detailed as possible in your query regarding the specific areas you have questions about.

What are the expectations that senior government officials
have of student journalists when they are conducting
interviews? Are they different from those of seasoned

Most senior officials will not expect student journalists to be as savvy as a seasoned journalist, but they will nonetheless expect the same degree of professionalism, e.g., understanding the rules on things like off the record, not for attribution, etc. They will also expect professional demeanor and conduct, such as being properly dressed, being on time, etc.

What are the ethical and moral challenges that student
journalists might encounter when interviewing senior
government officials? How should they mitigate them?

The challenges, really, are the same that journalists face when interviewing any subject. Being honest with your questions and intent (there are some minor exceptions when doing investigative pieces), and being honest about what you plan to write. Also, honoring commitments. For example, if you’re told something ‘off the record,’ to help you better understand a situation, you must not use that information in your article.

How should a student journalist prepare to conduct a one-on-one interview with a senior government official on national security or foreign policy? Are there any tricks of the trade?

Prepare your questions well in advance. Many officials will, in fact, ask for the questions in advance of the interview date, so they can be prepared with the appropriate information, get the required clearances and approvals, etc. Have an idea of how you plan to write your article,  and prepare your questions accordingly. If during the interview, an answer causes you to think of a question that wasn’t on your list, explain that and ask it, keeping in mind
that the interviewee is under no obligation to answer. As a student journalist, my advice is to avoid ‘gotcha’ questions, no matter how tempting it might be. This is a good way to get an interview terminated and your name flagged as someone not to talk to in the future. Tricks of the trade? Listen actively and take good notes. If you wish to record, get the interviewee’s okay in advance. If you’re told no recording devices—which is often the case in some government offices—honor that restriction, and use your mind and a sharp pencil.
Don’t be afraid to ask for a repeat of anything you didn’t catch clearly, to make sure you get it right.

There are a lot of competing needs when it comes to
conducting interviews with senior government officials (e.g.,
privacy; security; transparency; openness; truthfulness). How
should student journalists balance those needs?

The same way you would with a relative or friend, or any other person. In interviews with government officials, you’ll be told if something impinges on security, so honor that, as there are legal implications to dealing with classified or sensitive information. Everyone is entitled to personal privacy, even public officials to a degree (although less than a private citizen). Be solicitous of your interviewee’s privacy and you’ll earn their respect and gratitude. As to transparency, openness, and truthfulness, these are things that you, as a journalist, should always be.

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